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Compute predicted values from a fitted explainable boosting machine.


# S3 method for EBM
  type = c("response", "link", "class", "terms"),
  se_fit = FALSE,
  init_score = NULL,



A fitted ebm object.


A data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict.


The type of prediction required. Current options include:

  • "response": Returns predictions on the scale of the response variable. Thus, for a categorical outcome (i.e., binary or multiclass), a matrix of predicted probabilities is returned.

  • "link": Returns predictions on the link scale. For a binary outcome with logit link, for example, this results in a vector of logits. For a multiclass outcome, this will return a matrix with one column for each class. Ignored for regression problems.

  • "class": Returns a vector predicted class label for categorical outcomes.

  • "terms": Returns a matrix (or list of matrices for multiclass outcomes) of the individual term contributions (e.g., the f(x)'s). Note that term contributions are on the link scale, where they are additive.


Logical indicating whether or not standard errors are required. Ignored for multiclass outcomes. Note that standard errors are only available on the link scale.


Optional. Either a model that can generate scores or per-sample initialization score. If samples scores it should be the same length as newdata.


Additional optional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Either a vector, matrix, or list of result. See the type argument for details.