To submit errata, please use the website’s GitHub issue’s tab; if needed, feel free to submit via email instead.
Thank you for sending in errata. Before submitting, please check against the errata already posted here, which are grouped according to print date.
Errata for the 1st edition, first printing (June, 2022)
Page 9. At the top pf the page, “…polynomial modelpolynomial” should be “…polynomial model.” (Thanks to @RaymondBalise)
Page 9. Just below the figure caption, “…MSE” should be “…MSE (mean squared error).” (Thanks to @RaymondBalise)
Page 22. In the last paragraph, “(red curve)” should be “(black curve).” (Thanks to @RaymondBalise)
Page 24. Mathematical typo. At the top of the page, \(\left\{X_j\right\}_{j=1}^1 0 \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{U}\left(0, 1\right)\) should be \(\left\{X_j\right\}_{j=1}^{10} \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{U}\left(0, 1\right)\). (Thanks to Li Gang)
Page 48. Just before the function at the bottom of the page, “…
” should be “…see
.” (Thanks to @RaymondBalise)Page 72. In the second to last paragraph, “…take \(\mathcal{T}_0\) to be the left tree in Figure 2.12” should be “…take T_0 to be the left tree in Figure 2.13.” (Thanks to @RaymondBalise);
Page 75. The phrase “…nodes \(A_5\)–\(A_7\)” is confusing (since the tree nodes are not labeled left to right and top to bottom) and should probably be changed to “…nodes \(A_9\), \(A_5\), and \(A_3\)”.
Page 97. “…Cleveland dot plot displayed in Figure ??” should be “…Cleveland dot plot displayed in Figure 2.24. (Thanks to @RaymondBalise)
Page 128. Missing closing parentheses at the end of the first paragraph in Section 3.4.4.
Page 197. Towards the bottom of the page, “…in an ordinary bagged tree ensemble).” should be “…in an ordinary bagged tree ensemble” (random closing parentheses).
Page 276. The last line of Section 7.8 uses notation that’s inconsistent with the notation in Section 6.3. In particular, “…to the difference in \(f\left(x^\star\right) - E\left[\hat{f}\left(x\right)\right] = 0.51\)” should probably be changed to “…to the difference \(\hat{f}\left(\boldsymbol{x}^\star\right) - \bar{f} = 0.51\).”
Page 301. In footnote “w”, sparkR should be SparkR (i.e., it’s spelled in upper camel case).